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Get out of the stupor

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We read the book by Takashi Tsukiyama, MD and author “It’s just some kind of stupor,” and shared important recommendations on how to make your brain work 100%.

How to start something new

Start with simple tasks. Even when you don’t feel like doing something, just force yourself to start. Do simple exercises and you will start moving. Your brain needs an acceleration to start performing some more complex task.

Show the result. Inaction should not be allowed. The measurable result of your activity is important. It doesn’t have to be perfect. Show any result. Ask someone to monitor you.

Be clear about where your brain will spend energy during the day. Loss of motivation can be avoided by letting your brain know what you are going to do.

Think about who you are doing this for? The gratitude and gratitude of others for completed tasks is a powerful source of energy that increases the desire to act. Deciding who you are doing something for means helping yourself see goals more clearly. If you spend time and energy only on yourself, then you will gradually lose motivation.

How to organize thinking

The worst thing is to have a vague idea of ​​what is to be done. The scariest moment in battle is when the warriors barely distinguish the silhouettes of their enemies. Therefore, try to face your fear, it will help you to stop being afraid.

Create a list of your concerns. You need to make your problems visible. Verbalization triggers the cognitive system and excludes emotions.

Don’t try to focus on multiple things at the same time. This is the most inefficient way to use brain resources.

Move away from things that prevent you from focusing on work. Keeping your room and desk tidy can help you tune in a positive mood and organize your thoughts.

How to improve memory

Takashi Tsukiyama provides seven important guidelines:

  1. The best way to remember information, output it from your brain: summarize what you read, write down what you heard, or try to retell in your own words what you just learned.
  2. You should try to reproduce the information you want to remember at least once. Fundamental principle: to memorize information it is important to reproduce it.
  3. Our short-term memory can fit no more than 7 units of new information. Therefore, do not try to find out everything at once, absorb information in small portions.
  4. When you have a lot of ideas, write them down. This action will unload unnecessary information from the brain and give it the opportunity to best analyze everything that you have learned.
  5. Take in the information in small portions and summarize the content of large texts or lectures. Repetition of the information received on the same day is one of the main secrets of assimilation.
  6. Write out keywords from the text or lecture so that later it will be easier to remember what was being discussed. Pay attention to inconsistencies that you didn’t know before.
  7. Memorize information with images and pictures. Present imagery as you read or listen.

How to generate ideas

According to the author, new ideas are born after going through the following stages:

  1. Getting information in free mode;
  2. Loading information into the brain in order to solve a problem or problem;
  3. Generating an idea based on the information received.

Take as many small breaks as possible during the day and rest your eyes. The visual series overloads the brain, it has to process an enormous amount of information. Therefore, try to sit with your eyes closed for at least 5 minutes during the day. It is especially useful to put a warm bandage over the eyes, this will increase the blood flow in this area and fatigue will pass faster.

At the end of the day, try to lie down as early as possible so that you can think with a clear head during the day.

How to control emotions

Try to reduce the number of negative incentives.

Build your plans in accordance with the principle of “6 to 3 to 1”. Where six is ​​the number of pleasant and preferred activities, 3 is a little unpleasant, troublesome business, 1 is something very unpleasant and difficult.

Remember, the way we assess the situation, our thoughts, those around people, is not absolute, but relative. When we don’t like something or someone, we try to get rid of it and think that it will be better without him. However, as soon as we finish this unpleasant business, something else appears that again begins to annoy us. This is a feature of our brain, which always finds something uncomfortable to minimize its labor costs.

Try to interpret the information that you have in a different way: put yourself in the shoes of another person, look at yourself from the outside. So you will begin to analyze your emotions and they will no longer seem so scary and uncontrollable to you.

Set goals. A person without a goal wanders through life, driven only by momentary stimuli and feelings. Such a person is very vulnerable to external factors.


Takashi Tsukiyama’s book “Just some kind of stupor” is a collection of simple and understandable recommendations on how to improve the functioning of your brain and make the learning process more conscious. Learn new things every day and don’t stop for a second in your development!

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